welcome to leizhan.
Many customers trust our group and products. Our company provides medium production liner board paper making line machine for paper mills. Our company's medium production liner board paper making line machine gives them more advantages, and the products are very popular in the paper industry.
Our company designed and manufactured 330tpd corrugated paper production line equipment, which mainly uses waste paper as raw material to reduce investment and get more profits. As a global supplier, we also provide complete sets of equipment for corrugated paper projects.
On the kraft paper production line, in order to allow customers to obtain more profits, our company has specially designed and produced a complete set of 4400mm kraft paper production line equipment for this process, including kraft paper machines and pulping machines.
Our company's pressure screen has the advantages of low power consumption and low fiber loss. In addition, we also provide complete pulping machinery for paper mills.
Leizhan company provides complete set of toilet paper production line machine for your paper mill project. The paper produced by our toilet paper production line machine can save energy and reduce costs, making you more competitive in the market.
Our company provides 400tpd double layer wire paper production line machine on paper production line, which can produce high quality packaging paper and reduce energy consumption, in addition, it also provides hot-selling pulping equipment.